Christophe Jacquet: Research and Teaching



Research projects

CBDP — Context-Based Digital Personality (2009-2012)

Within the next several years, as digital technologies become increasingly pervasive, we might find ourselves living within intelligent interactive systems formed by hundreds of sensors, actuators, complex systems, etc. Interacting with them is a complex and time-consuming task that sometimes is not possible for certain groups of people: elderly people, disabled people and so on. Even for fully prepared IT professionals it is complicated to deal with all manuals, guides, and so on, overflowing home and office spaces. Although there are many user-centric approaches to deal with this phenomenon, it seems that the only unnatural part of a digital environment is the human being. To solve this problem the CBDP project suggests the creation of a context-based digital personally (DP) which acts as an enabling proxy between digital surroundings and the final user. DPs will benefit from mobile technologies for context-creation, maintenance and usage; and from semantic technologies for formal decisions and verifications. Usage of DP will simplify everyday interaction between users and their surrounding digital environments. The most remarkable result of this project will be the development of a framework for implementing value-added services for mobile operators.

IRoom (April 2008 — April 2009)
IRoom Logo

The IRoom project ("Intelligent Room") aims at designing and building a testbed for ambient intelligence, in order to perform experiments in the fields of "ambient" user interaction and reasoning in ubiquitous computing settings. It is a joint project by LIMSI-CNRS and Supélec, funded by Digiteo and Région Ile-de-France. The experimental testbed is located at LIMSI.

Edona (January 2008 — September 2010)
Edona Logo

The EDONA project (Environnements de Développement Ouverts aux Normes de l'Automobile — Open development environments conforming to the automotive standards) will federate, integrate and share key technologies used for development by the automotive industry.

Usine Logicielle / MoDriVal (2007)

The goal of the Usine Logicielle ("Software Factory") project was to develop tools to foster model-based software engineering. The objective is to bring proven engineering techniques to software in order to standardize and automate the design, integration, validation and maintainance of software products. This approach should ease the production of reliable software.

I was involved in a MoDriVal subproject, called ADLV, which aimed at providing tools to specify and validate systems composed of heterogeneous components.

PhD thesis

I defended my PhD in December 2006, on the topic Oportunistic presentation of information to mobile users within the framework of ambient intelligence. See the page dedicated to my PhD thesis.

Involvement in the Research Community