Conference paper:
Proceedings of MPM 2013 (Multi-Paradigm Modeling workshop at Models 2013), September 2013. pp. 47-56. Christophe Jacquet, Daniel Balasubramanian, Edward Jones, Tamás Mészáros, editors. CEUR.
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In the domain of heterogeneous model composition, semantic adaptation is the “glue” that is necessary to assemble heterogeneous models so that the resulting composed model has well-defined semantics. In this paper, we present an execution model for a semantic adaptation interface between heterogeneous models. We introduce a Domain-Specific Language (DSL) for specifying such an interface explicitly using rules, and a transformation toward the ModHel’X framework. The DSL enables the modeller to easily customise interfaces that fit the heterogeneous model at hand in a modular way, as involved models are left untouched. We illustrate the use of our DSL on a power window case study and demonstrate the importance of defining semantic adaptation explicitly by comparing with the results obtained with Ptolemy II.
@InProceedings{ meyers2013mpm, author = {Bart Meyers and Joachim Denil and Frédéric Boulanger and Cécile Hardebolle and Christophe Jacquet and Hans Vangheluwe}, publisher = {CEUR}, title = {{A DSL for Explicit Semantic Adaptation}}, series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings}, booktitle = {{Proceedings of MPM 2013 (Multi-Paradigm Modeling workshop at Models 2013)}}, issn = {1613-0073}, number = {1112}, month = {September}, year = {2013}, pages = {47-56}, }