Christophe Jacquet: Research and Teaching

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Conference paper:

Building heterogeneous models at runtime to detect faults in ambient-intelligent environments

Christophe Jacquet, Ahmed Mohamed, Frédéric Boulanger, Cécile Hardebolle, Yacine Bellik

Proceedings of Models@run.time 2013, September 2013. pp. 52-62. Nelly Bencomo, Robert B. France, Sebastian Götz, Bernhard Rumpe, editors.

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This paper introduces an approach for fault detection in ambient-intelligent environments. It proposes to compute predictions for sensor values, to be compared with actual values. As ambient environments are highly dynamic, one cannot pre-determine a prediction method. Therefore, our approach relies on (a) the modeling of sensors, actuators and physical effects that link them, and (b) the automatic construction at run-time of a heterogeneous prediction model. The prediction model can then be executed on a heterogeneous modeling platform such as ModHel'X, which yields predicted sensor values.

Text Reference

Christophe Jacquet, Ahmed Mohamed, Frédéric Boulanger, Cécile Hardebolle, Yacine Bellik. “Building heterogeneous models at runtime to detect faults in ambient-intelligent environments”. Proceedings of Models@run.time 2013, September 2013. pp. 52-62. Nelly Bencomo, Robert B. France, Sebastian Götz, Bernhard Rumpe, editors.

BibTeX Reference

@InProceedings{ jacquet2013mrt,
    author = {Christophe Jacquet and Ahmed Mohamed and Frédéric Boulanger and Cécile Hardebolle and Yacine Bellik},
    publisher = {},
    title = {{Building heterogeneous models at runtime to detect faults in ambient-intelligent environments}},
    series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings},
    booktitle = {{Proceedings of Models@run.time 2013}},
    month = {September},
    volume = {1079},
    year = {2013},
    pages = {52-62},