Book chapter:
Human-Computer Interactions in Transport, August 2011. pp. 311-342. Christophe Kolski, editor. ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons, Inc..
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In train, bus stations and airports, the supply of information to passengers is an essential task for the smooth running of their journey. However, the multitude of information present in these places often leads to a multiplication of display devices and overloads the passenger with information which does not necessarily concern them. This can only lead to the confusion of users and a lot of research time before finding the desired information. This is particularly true in the case of public display devices such as the display screens which can be found in airports. This type of screen displays information concerning all avaible flights, whereas a passenger considered individually will only be interested in one flight. This therefore leads the user to carry out a task of information research which can be all the more tedious when there is a great deal of information present.
@InCollection{ jacquet2011transport, author = {Christophe Jacquet and Yolaine Bourda and Yacine Bellik}, publisher = {{ISTE Ltd and John Wiley \& Sons, Inc.}}, title = {{Towards new interactive displays in stations and airports}}, booktitle = {{Human-Computer Interactions in Transport}}, month = {August}, year = {2011}, pages = {311-342}, }