Christophe Jacquet: Research and Teaching

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Conference paper:

KUP : un modèle pour la présentation opportuniste et multimodale d'informations à des utilisateurs mobiles

Christophe Jacquet, Yacine Bellik, Yolaine Bourda

Proceedings of IHM 2007, November 2007. pp. 43-50. ACM Press.

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This paper deals with the design of a multimodal information system in ambient intelligence. Its agent architecture is based on KUP, an alternative to traditional human-computer interaction models. We propose an algorithm for choosing an interaction modality. Then, we introduce PRIAM, a platform that implements this theoretical framework. Finally, we present the results of experiments carried out in pseudo-real scale.

Text Reference

Christophe Jacquet, Yacine Bellik, Yolaine Bourda. “KUP : un modèle pour la présentation opportuniste et multimodale d'informations à des utilisateurs mobiles”. Proceedings of IHM 2007, November 2007. pp. 43-50. ACM Press.

BibTeX Reference

@InProceedings{ jacquet2007ihm,
    author = {Christophe Jacquet and Yacine Bellik and Yolaine Bourda},
    publisher = {ACM Press},
    title = {{KUP : un modèle pour la présentation opportuniste et multimodale d'informations à des utilisateurs mobiles}},
    booktitle = {{Proceedings of IHM 2007}},
    month = {November},
    year = {2007},
    pages = {43-50},