Conference paper:
Post-proceedings of MODELS 2011 Workshops, April 2012. pp. 104-118. Springer-Verlag.
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When different parts of a system depend on different technical domains, the best suitable paradigm for modeling each part may differ. In this paper, we focus on the semantic adaptation between parts of a model which use different modeling paradigms in the context of model composition. We show how CCSL, a language for defining constraints and relations on clocks, can be used to define this semantic adaptation in a formal and modular way.
@InProceedings{ boulanger2012models, author = {Frédéric Boulanger and Ayman Dogui and Cécile Hardebolle and Christophe Jacquet and Dominique Marcadet and Iuliana Prodan}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, title = {{Semantic Adaptation using CCSL Clock Constraints}}, series = {LNCS}, month = {April}, volume = {7167}, pages = {104-118}, year = {2012}, booktitle = {{Post-proceedings of MODELS 2011 Workshops}}, }